Laravel 5.5 - How can I add a custom value to Auth::user() after successfully login


I want to add a custom value (role) to Auth::user() after successful login.

I added following code in \App\User

protected $attributes = ['role'];
protected $appends = ['role'];

public function getRoleAttribute() 
    return $this->attributes['role'];

public function setRoleAttribute($value)
    $this->attributes['role'] = strtolower($value);

and I set role from Auth\LoginController

 function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
         //I find $position based on some calculation
         if($position == 1)
             Auth::user()->role = 'director';
             return redirect('supervisors');

I want to get role in different pages like $role = Auth::user()->role; (but this returns error)

how can I achieve this?


I found a solution myself.

Since I have to use the 'role' value in different controllers and there is no column in database table to keep the value I had to use session to store the value.

I set role value in session when user is authenticated at Auth\LoginController

function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
            Auth::user()->role = 'director';
            Auth::user()->role = 'manager';              

In App\User

public function getRoleAttribute() 
    return Session::get('role', null);

public function setRoleAttribute($value)
    Session::put('role', $value);

Now I can access the role value from anywhere using the following code


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