How to login user with Laravel 5


Anyone can help me login user with Laravel, this is my try:

public function execute($hasCode){
    if(!$hasCode) return $this -> getAuthorizationFrist();  
    $user = $this->socialite->driver('facebook')->user();
    echo $user->getNickname();
    echo $user->getName();
    echo $user->getEmail();
    echo $user->getAvatar();

    $login = new Guard(); 
    $login ->loginUsingId(1);


This is error:

Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Auth\Guard::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider, none given, called in /home/comment/public_html/bild/app/AuthenticateUser.php on line 31 and defined


You can't just instantiate Guard because it has dependencies that need to be injected when creating it. This is the constructor:

public function __construct(UserProvider $provider,
                            SessionInterface $session,
                            Request $request = null)

You have a few options:

1. Use the facade:


2. Use the IoC container:

$auth = app('auth');

3. Use dependency injection (recommended):

In the constructor of the class you want to use this:

public function __construct(\Illuminate\Auth\Guard $guard){
    $this->auth = $guard;

And in your method:


If you're getting

Trait 'Illuminate\Auth\UserTrait'

That sounds a lot like Laravel 4 to me (Laravel 5 doesn't have this trait anymore) is it possible that you are migrating your application? Take a look at the new default User model on github

Collected from the Internet

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