How can I use a list of values with the IN operator in a WHERE clause?

Jesse W at Z - Given up on SE

I'm trying to execute a query like this, using the JavaScript driver:

client.execute('SELECT * FROM zhos_dev.jw_testing WHERE a IN ?', [['foo', 'foo1']], {prepare: true})

It gives me: ResponseError: line 0:-1 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ')'.

My version is: [cqlsh 3.1.8 | Cassandra 1.2.19 | CQL spec 3.0.5 | Thrift protocol 19.36.2]

The table was created and populated with the following CQL:

CREATE TABLE zhos_dev.jw_testing (a text PRIMARY KEY, b text);
INSERT INTO zhos_dev.jw_testing (a, b) VALUES ('foo', 'bar');
INSERT INTO zhos_dev.jw_testing (a, b) VALUES ('foo1', 'bar1');
INSERT INTO zhos_dev.jw_testing (a, b) VALUES ('foo2', 'bar2');
Valerie Parham-Thompson

I've reproduced this in the same version: [cqlsh 3.1.8 | Cassandra 1.2.19 | CQL spec 3.0.5 | Thrift protocol 19.36.2]

  name: 'ResponseError',
  info: 'Represents an error message from the server',
  message: "line 0:-1 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ')'",
  code: 8192,
  query: 'SELECT name, color FROM keyspace1.dresses WHERE id IN ?'

The "IN" clause works fine as early as Cassandra 2.1: [cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.1.21 | CQL spec 3.2.1 | Native protocol v3]

Connected to cluster with 1 host(s): [""]
Azul Dress

Test table/data:

CREATE KEYSPACE keyspace1 WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };

CREATE TABLE keyspace1.dresses (id text, color text, name text, size int, PRIMARY KEY (id, color));

insert into dresses (id, color, name, size) values ('mon1', 'blue', 'Blue Dress', 12);
insert into dresses (id, color, name, size) values ('mon2', 'blue', 'Azul Dress', 12);
insert into dresses (id, color, name, size) values ('can1', 'green', 'Green Dress', 12);
insert into dresses (id, color, name, size) values ('can2', 'verde', 'Verde Dress', 12);

And code:

const cassandra = require('cassandra-driver');

const client = new cassandra.Client({ contactPoints: [''], localDataCenter: 'datacenter1' });
client.connect(function (err) {
  if (err) return console.error(err);
  console.log('Connected to cluster with %d host(s): %j', client.hosts.length, client.hosts.keys());

client.execute('SELECT name, color FROM keyspace1.dresses WHERE id IN ?', [ ['mon2'] ], 
    { prepare: true}, 
    function (err, result) {
          if (err) return console.error(err);
          const row = result.first();

Since the node.js driver is only supported in Cassandra 2.1 and above (, I don't think the Cassandra or driver projects would take a bug request. Can you upgrade to at least 2.1?

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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