How to use same list twice in WHERE clause?


My SQL query contains a WHERE clause looking like this:

      name1 in ('Emily', 'Jack', 'James', 'Chloe') 
   OR name2 in ('Emily', 'Jack', 'James', 'Chloe')

Note that the same list appears twice, which is quite unsatisfying (and my real list is actually longer).

What would be a better way to write this query?


You can use arrays and overlap operator &&, e.g.:

with my_table(name1, name2) as (
values ('Emily', 'Bob'), ('Ben', 'Jack'), ('Bob', 'Ben')

select *
from my_table
where array[name1, name2] && array['Emily', 'Jack', 'James', 'Chloe'];

 name1 | name2 
 Emily | Bob
 Ben   | Jack
(2 rows)

Collected from the Internet

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