Which linux kernel version I'm using with yocto poky SUMO branch?


I am using yocto project to build linux kernel for my board. I used yocto project version 2.5 SUMO branch and 19.0 poky version. I am going to use MUSL-LibC and this is dependent to Linux 2.6 or later versions as it's shown here : https://www.musl-libc.org/faq.html

I want to know how can I find out which linux kernel version I'm using now ?

Oleksandr Kravchuk

In your BSP layer you'll find the following parameter:

PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto ??= "5.0%"

You can check recipes for which kernel version it provides in recipes-kernel/linux.

Also, look for kernel-* packages in ./tmp/deploy/rpm/.

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