can't copy user or role privileges in MySql 8.0

Victor Gorban

I've tried this queries in PhpMyAdmin and DataGrip:

drop user god_user, god;
create user god_user identified by 'god', god identified by 'god';
grant all on *.* to god with grant option ;
grant god to god_user;

show grants for god_user

It seems like all is OK, show grants for god_user shows this:

GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `god_user`@`%`
GRANT `god`@`%` TO `god_user`@`%`

And with PhpMyAdmin, I could login as god and see that I have ALL PRIVILEGES with flag GRANT set to YES. But what about god_user, it shows that there's NO privileges for god_user. Why? And if I login into PhpMyAdmin as god_user, I can't even see my DBs list!

Is that a bug? It is OK if I grant all on *.* to god_user with grant option.

flush privileges gives me nothing new. Also if god is a role, not user (I think there's no big difference). I am root.

Victor Gorban

The problem was ultra-dumb: I forgot to activate my roles. The following code fixed my issue. (It activates all granted roles to specified users.)

set default role all to god_user, admin;

And that's it)

The paragraph about 'activating roles' WAS in documentation, but I skipped it...

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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