MYSQL v8 Privileges


MySQL v8 command line and with phpmyadmin

I am logged into mysql as root (FULL Privileges) and I am trying to assign ALL privileges on a specific database to a user. It gives them all privileges but DOES NOT allow Administration GRANT on the database (See Attached)Snapshot

This is the same result for direct command line or phpmyadmin

Any ideas please?

Thanks in advance P

Bill Karwin


That means you grant all the privileges to the target user, as well as the privilege to grant those privileges to others.


The optional WITH clause is used to enable a user to grant privileges to other users. The WITH GRANT OPTION clause gives the user the ability to give to other users any privileges the user has at the specified privilege level.

To grant the GRANT OPTION privilege to an account without otherwise changing its privileges, do this:

GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'someuser'@'somehost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

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