How to convert dictionary list to custom objects in Python


I have a list which has some dictionaries to be bulk uploaded. I need to check if elements of list can be cast to a custom object(as below). Is there any elegant way to do it like type comparison?

This is my model

class CheckModel(object):

    def __init__(self,SerialNumber,UID, Guid = None,Date = None):
        self.SerialNumber = SerialNumber
        self.UID = UID
        self.Guid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if Guid is None else Guid
        self.Date = if Date is None else Date

And this is my test data. How can I cast only first element(because first element is the only correct one.) of this list into CheckModel object?

test = [{


You can create a custom cleanup function and then use filter


import datetime
import uuid

class CheckModel(object):

    def __init__(self,SerialNumber,UID, Guid = None,Date = None):
        self.SerialNumber = SerialNumber
        self.UID = UID
        self.Guid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if Guid is None else Guid
        self.Date = if Date is None else Date

#Clean Up Function.             
def clean_data(data):
    if all(key in data for key in ("Guid", "SerialNumber", "UID", "Date")):
            datetime.datetime.strptime(data["Date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
            return True
    return False 

test = [{


model_data = [CheckModel(**data) for data in filter(clean_data, test)]


[<__main__.CheckModel object at 0x0000000002F0AFD0>]

Collected from the Internet

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