How to add multiple columns and assigning into new column name by using function in pandas dataframe?


I have a data frame which has 50 columns. I would like to sum 10 columns and store the same into new column name (called savings to be created). I have 10 files, hence want to use function and apply the same to all the files.

Right now I am using iloc and it's working fine. I don't know how to bring this into a function?

my dataframe name called df.

df['savings'] = df.iloc[:,11:27].sum(axis = 1).round(2)

I want to use function and checked the below. But it is not working

def saving(x):
    x = df.iloc[:,11:27].sum(axis = 1).round(2)

df['savings] = df.applymap(x)

This is not working. Any suggestion. I have 10 different files and want to do the same sum.


I believe you need pass DataFrame to function:

def saving(x):
    x['savings'] = x.iloc[:,11:27].sum(axis = 1).round(2)
    return x

If need apply function to DataFrame use DataFrame.pipe:

df = df.pipe(saving)


df = saving(df)

Loop by files, create DataFrames and apply function if need apply function to multiple DataFrames:

import glob

for f in glob.glob('files/*.csv'):
    df = pd.read_csv(f).pipe(saving)
    print (df) 

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