Create new column into dataframe based on values from other columns using apply function onto multiple columns

Varun Vishnoi

I am using apply function to create a new column i.e. ERROR_TV_TIC into dataframe based on existing columns [TV_TIC and ERRORS] values. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. With some conditions it works and with another it doesn't and throw error.


['Length of Underlying Symbol for Option Contract is exceeding allowed limits(10 chars)']|nan
['Future Option Indicator is missing']|nan
['Trade Id is missing', 'Future Option Indicator is missing']|nan
['Trade Id is missing', 'Future Option Indicator is missing']|nan

Code when it works:

def validate_tv_tic(trades):
    tv_tiv_errors = list() 
    if pd.isnull(trades['TV_TIC']):
        tv_tiv_errors.append("Initial validations passed still TV_TIC missing")
    if pd.notnull(trades['TV_TIC']) and len(trades['TV_TIC']) != 42:
        tv_tiv_errors.append("Initial validations passed and TV_TIC is also generated but length is != 42 chars")
    return tv_tiv_errors if len(tv_tiv_errors) > 0 else np.nan

trades['ERROR_TV_TIC'] = trades.apply(validate_tv_tic, axis=1)

Code when it doesn't work: Here now condition is on 2 columns of series and I am making sure that I am passing "&" and not "and"

def validate_tv_tic(trades):
    tv_tiv_errors = list()
    if pd.isnull(trades['ERRORS']) & pd.isnull(trades['TV_TIC']):
        tv_tiv_errors.append("Initial validations passed still TV_TIC missing")
    if pd.isnull(trades['ERRORS']) & pd.notnull(trades['TV_TIC']) & len(trades['TV_TIC']) != 42:
        tv_tiv_errors.append("Initial validations passed and TV_TIC is also generated but length is != 42 chars")
    return tv_tiv_errors if len(tv_tiv_errors) > 0 else np.nan

trades['ERROR_TV_TIC'] = trades.apply(validate_tv_tic, axis=1)

Error I am getting: ('The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()', 'occurred at index 3')

Error description with used "and" Error Screenshot 2

Error description when used "&" Error Screenshot 2

My gut feeling is saying that pd.isnull is somewhere causing problem but not sure.

Varun Vishnoi

There was no problem with code. Problem exists with data inside dataframe.

column ERRORS was list of string and error was thrown when > 1 item exists as column value. So, I was getting error for line 3 and 4


['Length of Underlying Symbol for Option Contract is exceeding allowed limits(10 chars)']
['Future Option Indicator is missing']
['Trade Id is missing', 'Future Option Indicator is missing']
['Trade Id is missing', 'Future Option Indicator is missing']

After finding the root cause I changed the list to string where elements are separated by non-comma element and that works for me.

Changed my return statement of function validate_tv_tiv from

return tv_tiv_errors if len(tv_tiv_errors) > 0 else np.nan


return ' & '.join(errors) if len(errors) > 0 else np.nan

and this created my dataframe column ERRORS as below:


Length of Underlying Symbol for Option Contract is exceeding allowed limits(10 chars)
Future Option Indicator is missing
Trade Id is missing & Future Option Indicator is missing
Trade Id is missing & Future Option Indicator is missing

Collected from the Internet

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