How do you calculate multiple objects values in a list

Alan Huang

I'm trying to add the sum of objects from a database but so far I have found no success

test = [{'shares': 5}, {'shares': 1}]
# print sum of the two shares (5+1=6)

I've tried to use test['shares'] to print but it results in the error:

list indices must be integers or slices, not str

I've tried sum(test.value())but creates the error

'list' object has no attribute 'values'

And sum(test)creates:

unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'dict'

It seems like the objects are wrapped in a list but I do not know how to unwrap it?

Zev Chonoles

One nice way would be

sum(x['shares'] for x in test)

Why does this work?

Given a dictionary d = {'shares': 7}, then to get the value 7, you call d['shares'].

You want to do that for each dictionary in the list test, so you want to look at x['shares'] for each x in test.

In Python, the function sum can accept something called a "generator expression", which is what we did here.

Collected from the Internet

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