How do you calculate data completeness for multiple tables based on null values within columns?

Jordan Davis

The query below calculates what we need but for only one specific column. How can we do this for all the columns within that table, without having to duplicate the case statement multiple times. This needs to be done for hundreds of tables, so duplicating the case statement is not ideal.

 Select SUM(cast(case when column is null then 0 else 1 end as float))/count(*) from [Table]

So the output would be something like

Column Name: Data completeness

Customer Name: 88%

Lukasz Szozda

Solution by Jens Suessmeyer from Finding the percentage of NULL values for each column in a table

DECLARE @Statement2 NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
DECLARE @FinalStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''


        @Statement = @Statement + 'SUM(CASE WHEN ' + COLUMN_NAME + ' IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ' + COLUMN_NAME + ',' + CHAR(13) ,
        @Statement2 = @Statement2 + COLUMN_NAME + '*100 / OverallCount AS ' + COLUMN_NAME + ',' + CHAR(13)

    RAISERROR('TABLE OR VIEW with schema "%s" and name "%s" does not exists or you do not have appropriate permissions.',16,1, @TABLE_SCHEMA, @TABLE_NAME)
    SELECT @FinalStatement =
            'SELECT ' + LEFT(@Statement2, LEN(@Statement2) -2) + ' FROM (SELECT ' + LEFT(@Statement, LEN(@Statement) -2) +
            ', COUNT(*) AS OverallCount FROM ' + @TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + @TABLE_NAME + ') SubQuery'

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