Recursive function that returns the number of numbers greater then the first index of an array


Recursive function that returns the number of numbers greater then the first index of an array

I've got a function that solves the problem but I'm not sure if it is the correct way to write the recursive function

int greaterThanFistIndex(int *v,int n){
    int a;
    if(n == 1){
        return 0;
        a = greaterThanFistIndex(v,n-1);
        if(v[0] < v[n-1]){
    return a;

the output of [3,5,1,6] should be 2

chux - Reinstate Monica

I'm not sure if it is the correct way to write the recursive function

The code looks OK yet it breaks the spirit of using recursion.1

Such code could readily be done with a simple loop instead of n recursive calls.

int greaterThanFistIndex_iterate(const int *v,int n){
  count = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i<n; i++) {
    if (v[i] > v[0]) count++;
  return count;

Could could halve the problem at each step. At least the would have only log2(n) recursion depth rather than n as in OP's code.

static int greaterThanFistIndex_r_helper(const int *v,int n, int first){
  if (n <= 0) {
    if (n == 0) return 0;
    return *v > first;
  int first_half = n/2; 
  int second_half = n - first_half; 
  return greaterThanFistIndex_r_helper(v, first_half, first) +  
      greaterThanFistIndex_r_helper(v + first_half, second_half, first);

int greaterThanFistIndex_r(const int *v,int n){
  if (n <= 0) return 0;
  return greaterThanFistIndex_r_helper(v+1, n, *v);

Some compilers will detect OP's construct and perform tail end recursion optimization yet I see a simple loop a better approach.

Use recursion when it makes sense. Use a loop when possible.

Note: better to use size_t than int for array size and indexing. (not shown here)

1 Code fails for n <= 0.
A better function signature would be size_t greaterThanFistIndex(const int *v, size_t n)

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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