Is there are way to reuse a function with different values in a code?


I am wondering if there is a way to repeat a function with different values in the code

I've asked my teacher, searched online, asked some peers and none have the answer

while cashChoice > 0:
    cash1 = 200 + int(offer1)*50
    cashorBox = input("Would you like the money or the box? You have been offered $" + str(cash1) + ". If you want money, press [m], if you want the box, press [b]")
    if cashorBox == "m":
        print("Congratulations, you get " + str(cash1) + "! The prize you could've won from the box was " + str(userBox) + ". See you!")
    elif cashorBox == "b":
        print("Ok... you will be offered another cash amount.")
        cashChoice -= cashChoice
    if cashChoice == 0:
        print("Great! You may have the box. It contains " + str(userBox) + "! Farewell :)")

I want it to repeat but with different values of "cash1" as in "cash2"

Nick Andry

There is a very simple answer for this, and it will be very important to know later on if you wish to become proficient in Python. I don't know exactly how you are wanting to implement this, but you can do it like so:

def yourFunction (cash1Param):
    while cashChoice > 0:
        cash1 = cash1Param
        cashorBox = input("Would you like the money or the box? You have been offered $" + str(cash1) + ". If you want money, press [m], if you want the box, press [b]")
        if cashorBox == "m":
            print("Congratulations, you get " + str(cash1) + "! The prize you could've won from the box was " + str(userBox) + ". See you!")
        elif cashorBox == "b":
            print("Ok... you will be offered another cash amount.")
            cashChoice -= cashChoice
        if cashChoice == 0:
            print("Great! You may have the box. It contains " + str(userBox) + "! Farewell :)")

Then, when you call the function, you can enter any value for cash1Param, such as:




You don't even need to use cash1 for everything. You could just replace all of the times you have used it with cash1Param to directly use the parameter.

These are called function parameters. Here is a relevant link for learning them:

If you have any further questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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