Is it the right way using `[weak self]` in swift closure?

James Zhang

I always using [weak self] in swift closure to prevent reference cycle. Here is the code below, is it the correct way?

someTask(completion: {[weak self] (result) in
        if self == nil {  

        //is it safe when reach here? 

        self!.xxx = yyy
        self!.finish()  //will crash when self is nil?

Weak self does not keep a strong hold on the instance. So when self.doLongTermWork(), will self be set to nil again somewhere else?


Your pattern has race condition. If self was deallocated at the exact same time as your completion handler closure was executing, it could crash. As a general rule, avoid using the ! forced unwrapping operator if you can.

  1. I’d lean towards the guard “early exit” pattern (reducing nested braces, making code easier to read). The standard Swift 4.2 solution is:

    someTask { [weak self] result in
        guard let self = self else { return }
    = yyy
  2. Before Swift 4.2, which implemented SE-0079, we would have to do something like:

    someTask { [weak self] result in
        guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
    = yyy

    You can see why we prefer the Swift 4.2 improvement, as this strongSelf syntax is inelegant.

  3. The other obvious alternative is just:

    someTask { [weak self] result in
        self?.xxx = yyy

    Sometimes you need the “weak self - strong self dance” (the first two alternatives), but it would not appear to be the case here. This is likely sufficient.

There are other scenarios/edge cases that one might contemplate, but these are the basic approaches.

Collected from the Internet

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