Make self weak in methods in Swift


I have a Swift class that needs to store a table of its own methods. Unfortunately this is causing a reference cycle, because its table retains references to self via the methods it stores.

Example leaky code below:

typealias Callback = ()->()

class CycleInducingClass : NSObject {
    var myCallbacks = [Callback]()  

    override init() {

    func myInternalFunction() {
        NSLog("lolol: %d", self.myCallbacks.count)

The only solution I've found so far is to instead do this:

myCallbacks.append({[unowned self] in self.myInternalFunction()})

That's pretty ugly, and prone to error. Any better ideas? Is there some trick for making the function references themselves be weak? i.e. to make the myCallbacks array of type myCallbacks : [WeakCallback]() or something? As far as I can tell I can't even build a convenience function weaken as syntactic sugar over the ugly closure wrapper above.

Rob Napier

You can certainly build a function for this. I don't know if it makes it dramatically better, but it is less error-prone.

func methodPointer<T: AnyObject>(obj: T, method: (T) -> () -> Void) -> (() -> Void) {
  return { [unowned obj] in method(obj)() }
myCallbacks.append(methodPointer(self, CycleInducingClass.myInternalFunction))

Alternately, you could manage your callbacks as method pointers:

typealias Callback = (CycleInducingClass) -> () -> Void

In that case, you'd need to pass self when you called them (which may be fine if you don't actually do this a lot):


All of this is based on the fact that a method on type T with signature (input) -> (output) is equivalent to a function with the signature (T) -> (input) -> (output).

In case you're curious (I was), overriding works correctly in this case. So if you subclass CycleInducingClass and override myInternalFunction, the correct version will be called. (That actually surprises me a little, and I don't yet know exactly why it works, but it does.)

EDIT: Here's the answer to that:

Collected from the Internet

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edited at


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