If no activity for X seconds, run function that toggles classname. If activity, stop toggle function and reset inactivity timer


After 100 seconds of inactivity, I want to run a function that toggles a classname "show" every 10 seconds. (The 'show' classname makes a modal appear).

If/when there is user activity, I want to remove the 'show' classname (if it's currently toggled on) and also stop the 10-second toggle cycling function. I want this toggle cycling to run again only after there's been inactivity for 100 seconds.

I can't seem to get the toggle cycling function to stop upon user activity. The toggle cycle just continues to run. Any help would be appreciated! Here's what I have:

var el = document.querySelector('#element');
var toggle = function() {

function toggleTimer() {
    var u;
    window.onload = resetTimer;
    window.onmousemove = resetTimer;
    window.onmousedown = resetTimer;
    window.ontouchstart = resetTimer;
    window.onclick = resetTimer;
    window.onkeypress = resetTimer;
    window.addEventListener('scroll', resetTimer, true); 

    function toggleCycle() {
        setInterval(toggle, 10000);

    function resetTimer() {
        u = setTimeout(toggleCycle, 100000);


You might use CSS animation added to .show instead of handling setInterval.
Also your code might be simpler (see the snippet below):

Please note that I reduced times not to have you waiting for 100 secs.

var el = document.querySelector('#element');
var timer = 5000, tick = 1000;
const resetTimer = () => (timer = 5000) && el.classList.remove('show');
['load', 'touchstart', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'keydown', 'scroll']
.forEach(e => document.addEventListener(e, resetTimer));

setInterval(() => (timer -= tick) || el.classList.add('show'), tick);
h1:not(.show) {display: none}

.show {animation: togg 2s linear infinite alternate}

@keyframes togg {
  40% {opacity:1}
  50% {opacity:0}
  100% {opacity:0}
<h1 id="element">SHOW</h1>

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Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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