Delete elements from python array with given index of elements as list


I am beginning to program in python. I want to delete elements from array based on the list of index values that I have. Here is my code

x = [12, 45, 55, 6, 34, 37, 656, 78, 8, 99, 9, 4]

del_list = [0, 4, 11]

desired output = [45, 55, 6, 37, 656, 78, 8, 99, 9]

Here is what I have done

x = [12, 45, 55, 6, 34, 37, 656, 78, 8, 99, 9, 4]

index_list = [0, 4, 11]

for element in index_list:
    del x[element]


I get this error. I can figure out that because of deleting elements the list shortens and the index goes out of range. But i am not sure how to do it

Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: list assignment index out of range

This question already has an answer here. How to delete elements from a list using a list of indexes?.

BTW this will do for you

x = [12, 45, 55, 6, 34, 37, 656, 78, 8, 99, 9, 4]

index_list = [0, 4, 11]

value_list = []
for element in index_list:

for element in value_list:


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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