Swapping elements based on index given from another list


Hello my task is to swap elements of list, with the index that needs to be swapped in another list, so fx:

If I have:

[3,1,2] as the list


[[1,2],[2,3]] as the index that needs to be swapped

Then it should go like:

[1,2] = 3 and 1 getting swapped
[2,3] = 3 and 2 getting swapped

So i would end up with Output = [1,2,3]

The predicate is specified to be like this:


Where C is the list of which elemenst that should be swapped.

Input is the list that should be swapped.

Output is the swapped list.

I would like some advice on how to swapping those elements based on this, I have already looked at this: swap two elements from list with specified indices

Hope that someone can help me with this.


So far I have tried something like this:

swap( Input,[I|J], Input ) :-
    I = J.
swap( Input, [I|J], Output ) :-
    swap( Input, [I|J], Output, _, _ ).
swap( Input, [I|J], Output ) :-
    swap( Input, J, I, Output, _, _ ).

swap( [E2|Ls], I,  0,  [E1|Ls], E1, E2 ):-!.
swap( [E1|Es], 0, J, [E2|Rs], E1, E2 ) :-
    N2 is J - 1,
    swap( Es, -1, N2, Rs, E1, E2 ),!.
swap( [E|Es], [I|J], [E|Rs], E1, E2 ) :-
    N1 is I - 1,
    N2 is J - 1,
    swap( Es, N1, N2, Rs, E1, E2 ). 

But I am only able to use "one" list as the indexes of what that has to be swapped, like [1,2], what I am looking for is being able to use multiple like [[1,2],[2,3]] and so on.


Using list_i_j_swapped/4

list_i_j_swapped(As,I,J,Cs) :-

  Swaps =[[Index1,Index2]|T],


?- swap([3,1,2],[[0,1],[1,2]],X).
X = [1, 2, 3] ;

The positions are zero indexed.

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