Change instance of abstract class that use generics


I am trying to replace derived instances in base class. It works for animals (simple usage of abstract class), but not with generics. The error is in SomeMethod. Is there any clean solution?

EDIT: With help of another interface it is truly doable. Code that is commented with [S] is solution for my original question.

public abstract class Animal
    public void Feed()

public class Tiger:Animal

public class Dog : Animal

public class Consumer
    public Tiger Tiger { get; set; }
    public Dog Dog { get; set; }

    public Animal FavoriteAnimal { get; set; }

    void SomeMethod()
        // This is fine
        FavoriteAnimal = Tiger;
        FavoriteAnimal = Dog;

        //Also fine 
        int numberOfDogs = PlaceForDogs.CountAnimals();
        int numberOfTigers = PlaceForTigers.CountAnimals();

        //[S] This is doable now
        FavoritePlaceForAnimals = PlaceForDogs;//[S]  no more ERROR
        int numberOfAnimalsOnMyFavoritPlace = FavoritePlaceForAnimals.CountAnimals(); // No error, but I do not get here...

    public PlaceForDogs PlaceForDogs { get; set; } = new PlaceForDogs();
    public PlaceForTigers PlaceForTigers { get; set; } = new PlaceForTigers();

    //public PlaceForAnimals<Animal> FavoritePlaceForAnimals { get; set; }
    //[S] favorite place is of type IPlaceForAnimals instead of PlaceForAnimals
    public IPlaceForAnimals FavoritePlaceForAnimals { get; set; }

//[S]new interface
public interface IPlaceForAnimals
    int CountAnimals();

//[S]abstract class implements the interface
public abstract class PlaceForAnimals<T>:IPlaceForAnimals  where T : Animal

    public List<T> Animals { get; set; }

    public int CountAnimals()
        //special counting using properties from Animal class
        return 0;


A PlaceForAnimals<Dog> is not a PlaceForAnimals<Animal> (for purposes of assigning it that type), as it could not hold a tiger (while the original could).

The assignment is simply not legal without covariance. If you want to access certain methods you could have the base class implement a non-generic interface and make FavoritePlaceForAnimals be of that type.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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