How to create an array of objects with all objects from multiple arrays?

Charles Braga

Given de following arrays:

const classes = [
    students: [
    students: [

What's the best way performance-wise to generate an array of objects with a similar structure to this:

const allStudents = [


Please note: Donot use reserved keyworks such ass class as a variable name.

Array.reduce implementation

const classes = [
  { students: [ 'Student1', 'Student2' ] },
  { students: [ 'Student3', 'Student4' ] }
const allStudents = classes.reduce((acc, cls) => {
  acc = cls.students ? acc.concat(cls.students) : acc;
  return acc;
}, []);

Array.flatMap implementation.

const classes = [
  { students: [ 'Student1', 'Student2' ] },
  { students: [ 'Student3', 'Student4' ] }
const allStudents = classes.flatMap((cls) => cls.students ? cls.students : []);

Collected from the Internet

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