getline() not taking delimiter argument (ERROR: no instane of overloaded function "getline" matches argument list


been getting this error everytime i've tried to use getline with a delimiter. Please help!

vector<string> readRecordFromFile(string file_name, string search_term)
    vector<string> record;
    ifstream file;;

    bool found_record = false;

    string field_one;
    string field_two;
    string field_three;

    while (getline(file, field_one, ",") && !found_record)


getline works if the third argument is removed, but i need to use a delim

Anoop Rana

Just replace getline(file, field_one, ",") with getline(file, field_one, ',') because the third argument should be a char and not a string literal.

Collected from the Internet

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