How to fix "no instance of overloaded function "getline" matches the argument list" when using getline with an int

Tommy Beaton

Im currently working on an assignment and am trying to use try catch error handling for checking a user's input is a valid int.

I currently have this:

int inputValidation() {
    int e = 0;
    std::string es;
    bool check = false;
    do {
        try {
            if (!getline(std::cin, e)) {
                throw stringInput;
            else {
                check = true;
        catch (std::exception& er) {
            std::cout << "Error! " << er.what() << std::endl;
            std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
    } while (!check);
    return e;

my issue is with the if ((getline(std::cin, e))){} part. I've also tried using std::cin.getline(e, 256)

When calling the function I'm using this loop:

do {
        std::cout << "Please select a month: ";
        selectedMonth = inputValidation();
    } while (selectedMonth < 1 || selectedMonth >(12 - actualMonth));

This simply makes sure they can only input a month from the current month until December.

I'm aware that I can use es instead of e, however that defeats the purpose of the error checking. My only idea coming off of this is to check on a conversion.

For whatever reason I seem to be getting the error "no instance of overloaded function "getline"" and am unsure of where I'm going wrong. If anyone could provide some insight I would be very grateful.

Tommy Beaton

First Version

I managed to fix this by changing it to:

int inputValidation(std::string message) {
    int e = NULL;
    std::string es;
    bool check = false;
    do {
        try {
            std::cout << message;
            getline(std::cin, es);
            if (!atoi(es.c_str())) {
                throw stringInput;

            else {
                e = atoi(es.c_str());
                check = true;
        catch (std::exception& er) {
            std::cout << "Error! " << er.what() << std::endl;
    } while (!check);
    return e;
//In another function -->
    do {
        selectedMonth = inputValidation("Please select a month: ");
    } while (selectedMonth < 1 || selectedMonth >(12 - actualMonth));

Working Version

As of the comments I changed this.

(The only difference is this version doesn't include an exception)

bool checkInput(int &input, std::string message) {
    try {
        std::cin >> input;
        if (! {
            return true;
        else {
    catch (std::string e) {
        std::cout << "Invalid input!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << e << std::endl;
        std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
        return false;

//Elsewhere -->
std::cout << "Please input the lowest number you would like to check" << std::endl;
while (!checkInput(lowestNumber, "Please input the lowest number you would like to check"));

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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