How to locate inner element after hovering (Selenium)


I need to locate and click on My Account

enter image description here

I can see parent div header-menu-dropdown account-item then there is a child and that child have another child that contains two elements which is two href texts

I could potentially locate array of elements that have header-menu-item with-link class and then choose first element to locate what i need but is there a better way to do that?

enter image description here


The way you wanna do, it would be something like this :

//div[@class='header-menu-item with-link']

and then you can either write :

//div[@class='header-menu-item with-link']/a

or if you have a web element with this header-menu-item with-link

directly use .//a with findElement

Best practices

But personally, I would not prefer to have xpath for this

Please try




since the element you are looking inside an achor tag, linkText should work.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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