Selenium cannot locate an element


I'm using Selenium for download some data from the site, in particular this is the url.

As you can see there are two tabs:

  • Full Time
  • 1st Half

enter image description here

I'm trying to access to the 1st Half content by simulating a click on it through Selenium, this is my code:

var chromeOpts = new ChromeOptions();
var chromeDriverService = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeDriverService, chromeOpts);
driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);            
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(new Uri(";2"));
driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[contains(text(),'1st') and contains(text(),'Half')]")).Click();
string html = driver.PageSource;

the problem is that I get this error:

OpenQA.Selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: 'element not visible

I though that my XPath is wrong, but I tried with other tabs and works, also the html structure is correct.

What's happening?

Thodoris Koskinopoulos

You have the unique ID bettype-tabs-scope, and there is ul and 3 li elements.

<div id="bettype-tabs-scope" class="tab-nav-detail">
  <ul class="sub-menu subactive" style="display: block;">
    <li class=" active"><span class="topleft_corner"></span><span class="topright_corner"></span><strong><span>Full&nbsp;Time</span></strong></li>
    <li class=""><a onmousedown="uid(28)._onClick();return false;" title="1st&nbsp;Half" href=""><span>1st&nbsp;Half</span></a></li>
    <li class="last"><a onmousedown="uid(29)._onClick();return false;" title="2nd&nbsp;Half" href=""><span>2nd&nbsp;Half</span></a></li>

You can pretty easily do:

//Find the unique element and the get all children list items.
var listItems = driver.FindElement(By.Id("bettype-tabs-scope")).FindElements(By.TagName("li"));
//Click the list items that has "1st Half" as it's text.
listItems.Where(li => li.Text == "1st Half").Single().Click();

Otherwise, you can also do driver.FindElement(By.Id("bettype-tabs-scope")).FindElements(By.TagName("li"))[1].Click(); if you are certain that the "1st half" button will always be second in the results (first being the Full Time).

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