Difference between io.quarkus and io.quarkus.platform

Jaqueline Schweigert

What's the difference between the quarkus group-id io.quarkus.platform and io.quarkus?

In older versions (<2.0.0) the latter (without platform) was used. However, in the new sample projects the group-id io.quarkus.platform is used.

Javier Toja

The quarkus team is reorganizing the dependencies to create a more modular and maintainable project, with common dependencies organized in platform groups, here you can watch a video where they explain everything. As part of the on going changes they reorganized the boms so this is way you see the platform sufix.

UPDATE1: As @geoand pointed in this link you can find a complete article about the ongoing changes regarding the quarkus bom and platforms.

Collected from the Internet

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