what is the difference between io.cucumber and info.cukes

Alok :

I am trying to integrate BDD using Cucumber. But I am really confused what is the difference between io.cucumber and info.cukes libraries. And which one to use and when.

I tried to read and understand the github README.md file still can't make heads or tails.

Still further I am not sure what is cucumber-jvm. Why do we need cucumber-junit (can't the standalone junit library suffice).

Thanks in advance. Any help is much appreciated.

Grasshopper :

Refer to the release notes for more details. - https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-jvm/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md.

There has been substantial changes in cucumber 2. Refer to this for more - https://cucumber.io/blog/2017/08/29/announcing-cucumber-jvm-2-0-0

io.cucumber and info.cukes are Maven group ids. info.cukes was for Cucumber version till 1.2.5. The latest version are in io.cucumber starting from 2.0.0. There is also a new version 3 with more goodies in github with the master as mentioned in the release notes.

The reason the groupid was changed because gherkin has changed the groupid similarly.

cucumber-jvm is the java implementation of Cucumber framework. there are many other implementations in other languages - https://github.com/cucumber.

When you use the @RunWith(Cucumber.class) on top of the test class, it means that a specialized runner is being used which will execute the feature files. The default runner of junit will not get you anywhere, though might cough up some exceptions.

Collected from the Internet

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