How can I filter rows which contains 2 or more words from another column?


I would like to filter rows that contain 2 or more words located in another column.

I have a dataframe like this:

    df <- data.frame(name1 = c("Carlos Lopez Rey", "Monica Naranjo Garcia", "Antonio Perez Reverte", "Alejandro Martinez Amor", "Iñigo Muruzabal"), 
                     name2 = c("Lopez, Carlos", "Monica de Naranjo", "Garcia, Antonio", "Alejandro Martinez de Amor", "Muruzabal, Javier"))

And I would like to create a condition that filters rows that contain 2 or more same words in the first column (name1) and in the second column (name2). The result I would like to have is:

name1 name2
Carlos Lopez Rey Lopez, Carlos
Monica Naranjo Garcia Monica de Naranjo
Alejandro Martinez Amor Alejandro Martinez de Amor

* Notice that "Antonio Perez Reverte" and " Iñigo Muruzabal" are not filtered because the first column only matches 1 word with the second column.

Ronak Shah

Split the string on words, find common words using length(intersect(...)) and select only rows that have at least 2 words in common.

result <- subset(df, mapply(function(x, y) length(intersect(x, y)), 
                     strsplit(name1, ',|\\s+'), strsplit(name2, ',|\\s+')) >= 2)


#                    name1                      name2
#1        Carlos Lopez Rey              Lopez, Carlos
#2   Monica Naranjo Garcia          Monica de Naranjo
#4 Alejandro Martinez Amor Alejandro Martinez de Amor

Collected from the Internet

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