How can a I drop duplicate rows for a dataframe based on the filter or condition of another column?


I have a large dataframe which is in long format and can be created below:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'period':['2021-01-01','2021-02-01','2021-03-01','2021-03-01','2021-04-01','2021-04-01'],

I want to drop duplicate rows based on the condition below:

df[df['indi'] == 'tot_num_cases'].drop_duplicates(keep="last")  

but only on the rows which match the condition. How do that without dropping all duplicate rows of the dataframe. Result would look like:

final result


Split the condition to two conditions, duplicate value in indi column and the value is 'tot_num_cases'

df = df[~(df.duplicated(subset='indi', keep='last') & df['indi'].eq('tot_num_cases'))]


       period           indi  value
0  2021-01-01            pop  10000
1  2021-02-01         vacced    200
3  2021-03-01  tot_num_cases   8999
4  2021-04-01            pop  27000
5  2021-04-01            pop  27000

Collected from the Internet

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