SQL: How to check a value in column is equal to the sum of any combination of the other columns in a row

Syed Zaidi

I came across a scenario where I have a table structure as such:

Column0 Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 
100     U       V       X       Y       Z

I need to find if:

  • 100 = U, V, X, Y, or Z.
  • 100 = X + Y + Z + V
  • 100 = X + Y
  • 100 = V + Z
  • etc.

Any suggestions of how I can achieve this?

Case statements will take forever to write. I do not write PL/SQL code but I am familiar with it somewhat.


Writing the Case statement isn't as hard as you're implying. I generated the following Case statement using a text editor in about 20 seconds, which should handle all situations in your example:

Select  Case
            When Column0 = Column1  Then 1
            When Column0 = Column2  Then 1
            When Column0 = Column3  Then 1
            When Column0 = Column4  Then 1
            When Column0 = Column5  Then 1

            When Column0 = Column1 + Column2    Then 1
            When Column0 = Column1 + Column3    Then 1
            When Column0 = Column1 + Column4    Then 1
            When Column0 = Column1 + Column5    Then 1

            When Column0 = Column2 + Column3    Then 1
            When Column0 = Column2 + Column4    Then 1
            When Column0 = Column2 + Column5    Then 1

            When Column0 = Column3 + Column4    Then 1
            When Column0 = Column3 + Column5    Then 1

            When Column0 = Column4 + Column5    Then 1

            When Column0 = Column1 + Column2 + Column3  Then 1
            When Column0 = Column1 + Column2 + Column4  Then 1
            When Column0 = Column1 + Column2 + Column5  Then 1

            When Column0 = Column1 + Column3 + Column4  Then 1
            When Column0 = Column1 + Column3 + Column5  Then 1

            When Column0 = Column1 + Column4 + Column5  Then 1

            When Column0 = Column2 + Column3 + Column4  Then 1
            When Column0 = Column2 + Column3 + Column5  Then 1

            When Column0 = Column2 + Column4 + Column5  Then 1

            When Column0 = Column3 + Column4 + Column5  Then 1

            When Column0 = Column1 + Column2 + Column3 + Column4    Then 1
            When Column0 = Column1 + Column2 + Column3 + Column5    Then 1

            When Column0 = Column1 + Column3 + Column4 + Column5    Then 1

            When Column0 = Column2 + Column3 + Column4 + Column5    Then 1

            When Column0 = Column1 + Column2 + Column3 + Column4 + Column5  Then 1

            Else 0
        End As SumOfOtherColumns
From    YourTable

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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