For each row check if value in one column exists in two other columns


Assume we have the following data frame:

df <- data.frame(X1 = 1:5, X2 = 6:10, X3 = c(6, 2, 3, 0, 2))

  X1 X2 X3
1  1  6  6
2  2  7  2
3  3  8  3
4  4  9  0
5  5 10  2

I would like to add a new column (X4) made of logical values. For each row: if X3 is equal to X1 or X2, then X4 should be TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

I tried:

mutate(df, X4 = X3 %in% c(X2, X1))

  X1 X2 X3    X4
1  1  6  6  TRUE # OK
2  2  7  2  TRUE # OK
3  3  8  3  TRUE # OK
4  4  9  0 FALSE # OK
5  5 10  2  TRUE # expected to be FALSE

Most importantly, my real df is very large, so I would like to avoid using for loops. I would privilege the shortest (less amount of code) and fastest solution.


We can use Reduce

Reduce(`|`, lapply(df[1:2], `==`, df[,3]))


On a bigger data makes more sense

df <- data.frame(X1= sample(1:5, 1e6, replace=TRUE), X2 = sample(1:10, 1e6, replace=TRUE),
       X3 = sample(1:10, 1e6, replace=TRUE))

f2 <- function(df) Reduce(`|`, lapply(df[1:2], `==`, df[,3]))
f3 <- function(df) with(df, X3==X1 | X3==X2)
microbenchmark(f1(df), f2(df), f3(df))
#Unit: milliseconds
#   expr         min         lq       mean     median         uq      max neval

# f2(df)    8.191218   10.83333   23.28081   16.42744   22.26866  143.025   100
# f3(df)    8.154506   10.58878   19.17879   11.49179   22.41255  144.510   100

The apply is slower as I thought, but the Reduce is not as slow..

Collected from the Internet

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