How do I fix the "Index out of range" error in Python?

Thobekani Kubeka

I am trying to create a record from a list of 6 items. The error tells me that rec[1] is out of range.

pay = open("paymast.txt","r")
sal = open("saltyp.txt","w")

heading = pay.readline()

for rec in pay:

    rec = rec.split(",")
    id = rec[0]
    name = rec[1]
    gender = rec[2]
    code = rec[3]
    grade = rec[4]
    salary = rec[5]
    salary = salary.strip('\n')
    record = id+","+name+","+gender+","+code+","+grade+","+salary

    if int(salary) < 1500 and gender == "M":


Try to check your file paymast.txt. I've tried with an array of string, formatted as "id,name,..." and the split works fine, the only time that it raises an IndexError is when the input is bad formatted.

For example:

pay = ["1", "0,ted,male,4,23,1440\n",
# The first index should raise the error

for rec in pay:
    rec = rec.split(",")

    id = rec[0]
    name = rec[1]
    gender = rec[2]
    code = rec[3]
    grade = rec[4]
    salary = rec[5]
    salary = salary.strip('\n')

    record = id+","+name+","+gender+","+code+","+grade+","+salary

Raised error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    name = rec[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

Collected from the Internet

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