Append JSON Objects using jq


I've below JSON structure


    "a": "aVal",
    "x": {
      "x1": "x1Val",
      "x2": "x2Val"
    "y": {
      "y1": "y1Val"

I want to add "x3": "x3Val","x4": "x4Val" to x. So the output should be

    "x": {
      "x3": "x3Val",
      "x4": "x4Val",

Is it possible using jq ?


Of course, it's pretty simple for jq:

jq '.x += {"x3": "x3Val","x4": "x4Val"}' file.json

The output:

  "a": "aVal",
  "x": {
    "x1": "x1Val",
    "x2": "x2Val",
    "x3": "x3Val",
    "x4": "x4Val"
  "y": {
    "y1": "y1Val"

Collected from the Internet

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