Decoding 32bit unsigned int in 4 unsigned char in Perl

Andrea Mocci

I have to write in a binary file these hex values:

my $erase_start = 0x00010000;
my $erase_size  = 0x00008000;

And this is the expected result

enter image description here


print WRITEHANDLE sprintf('%08X', $erase_start);
print WRITEHANDLE sprintf('%08X', $erase_size);

I obtain

enter image description here

I was taking a look to pack/unpack capabilities, but I am not a Perl Guru.

Kjetil S.

You want to write those 32-bit unsigned ints to a binary file. So I guess you want something like this:

open my $fh, ">", "file.dta" or die;
print $fh pack("N*", 0x00010000, 0x00008000);   #one or more u32 values

Collected from the Internet

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