Convert from char array to 16bit signed int and 32bit unsigned int

Andy Mills

I'm working on some embedded C for a PCB I've developed, but my C is a little rusty!

I'm looking to do some conversions from a char array to various integer types.

First Example:

[input]        " 1234" (note the space before the 1)
[convert to]   (int16_t) 1234

Second Example:

[input]        "-1234"
[convert to]   (int16_t) -1234

Third Example:

[input]        "2017061234"
[convert to]   (uint32_t) 2017061234

I've tried playing around with atoi(), but I don't seem to be getting the result I expected. Any suggestions?


This is the code for the conversions:

char *c_sensor_id = "0061176056";
char *c_reading1 = " 3630";
char *c_reading2 = "-24.30";

uint32_t sensor_id = atoi(c_sensor_id); // comes out as 536880136
uint16_t reading1 = atoi(c_reading1); // comes out as 9224
uint16_t reading2 = atoi(c_reading2); // comes out as 9224

A couple of things:

  • Never use the atoi family of functions since they have no error handling and may crash if the input format is bad. Instead, use the strtol family of functions.
  • Either of these functions is somewhat resource heavy on resource-constrained microcontrollers. You might have to roll out your own version of strtol.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

int main() 
  const char* c_sensor_id = "0061176056";
  const char* c_reading1  = " 3630";
  const char* c_reading2  = "-1234";

  c_reading1++; // fix the weird string format

  uint32_t sensor_id = (uint32_t)strtoul(c_sensor_id, NULL, 10);
  uint16_t reading1  = (uint16_t)strtoul(c_reading1,  NULL, 10);
  int16_t  reading2  = (int16_t) strtol (c_reading2,  NULL, 10);

  printf("%"PRIu32 "\n", sensor_id);
  printf("%"PRIu16 "\n", reading1);
  printf("%"PRId16 "\n", reading2);




Collected from the Internet

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