Is it possible to have mixed specific typed keys in a TypeScript type, and a generic key type?


I'm trying to create a type to describe an ES6 Proxy object where I will know the types for a few keys, and the rest of the keys will be generic with a callback as a value and I won't know their names until runtime.

However, if I try something like this:

interface MyCallback {
  (): void;

interface MyType {
    myKey1: number;
    [key: string]: MyCallBack;

I get errors like:

[ts] Property 'myKey1' of type 'number' is not assignable to string index type 'MyCallback'.

If I add [key: string]: number, I get the error Duplicate string index signature.

If I overload it so it's like number | MyCallback, I get this error if I try to call a callback on a MyType instance:

[ts] Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type 'number | MyCallback' has no compatible call signatures.

Is it possible to have a type like I'm trying to create in TypeScript?


the answer is sort of. You can accomplish this with intersection types:

interface MyType {
    myKey1: number;

interface MyCallBack {
    (): void;

interface GenericCallbackType {
    [key: string]: MyCallBack;

type CombinedType = MyType & GenericCallbackType;

const obj: CombinedType = {
    myKey1: 8,
    anyString: () => {}

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