Cannot find element with a namespace in xml


I am using the lxml library in python 3.5 to parse a xml file. The xml content is:

xml_content = """
<wps:ExecuteResponse xmlns:gml=""
service="WPS" version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en-US" 
serviceInstance=";request=GetCapabilities" statusLocation="">
<wps:Process wps:processVersion="None">
  <ows:Title>Run checks process</ows:Title>
  <ows:Abstract>Process performing qc tool checks.</ows:Abstract>
<wps:Status creationTime="2018-04-26T16:19:41Z">
  <wps:ProcessSucceeded>PyWPS Process Run checks process finished</wps:ProcessSucceeded>
    <ows:Title>Local filesystem path to the product to be checked.</ows:Title>
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">/mnt/bubu/bebe</wps:LiteralData>
    <ows:Title>The type of the product denoting group of checks to be performed.</ows:Title>
      <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">dummy</wps:LiteralData>
    <ows:Title>Comma separated identifiers of optional checks to be performed.</ows:Title>
      <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">dummy</wps:LiteralData>
    <ows:Title>Result of passed checks in json format.</ows:Title>
    <ows:Title>Result of passed checks in json format.</ows:Title>
      <wps:LiteralData dataType="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1:string"> {"dummy": {"status": "ok", "message": "Dummy check has passed.", "params":   "{'dummy_param1': 'dummy value1', 'dummy_param2': 'dummy value2'}"}}

My python code to parse the file is:

from lxml import etree

ns = {'wps': '', 
      'ows': ''}
tree = etree.fromstring(xml_content)

# this works, the wps:Process tag is found successfully
wps_process_tag = tree.xpath('//wps:Process', namespaces=ns)
if len(wps_process_tag) > 0:
    print('wps:Process tag found!')

# this does not work and the ows:Identifier tag is not found
ows_identifier_tag = tree.xpath('//wps:Process/ows:Identifier', namespaces=ns)
if len(ows_identifier_tag) > 0:
    print('ows:Identifier tag found!')
    print('ows:Identifier tag not found!')

As shown in my sample code, the wps:Process tag is found correctly. On the other hand, the ows:Identifier tag is not found although it exists right under wps:Process in the xml document. I have provided the namespaces dictionary to the tree.xpath function in order to find elements from the wps and ows namespaces. But it only finds elements that start with wps: and it cannot find elements starting with ows:

I checked the URL and it seems to be a valid URL.

How do I find the ows:Identifier element with lxml?

Matt Jones

In your code, you're declaring the ows namespace like this:

'ows': ''

But in the XML the ows namespace has a different URI declared:

Correcting the URI in your code should fix the issue.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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