Can we assign 2 types of values to a key in a dictionary

Olivia Brown

Suppose I have a dictionary as below

my_dict = {
'key1' : 'str1',
'key2' : 'str2',
'key3' : 'str3'

I want to assign additional value to each key so that the structure of dictionary is as follows

key1 : str1, num1
key2 : str2, num2
key3 : str3, num2

Is it possible to do it, if yes then how can we access individual values.

Joe Iddon

If you don't need to change these multiple values in the dictionary, use tuples as values:

my_dict = {
    'key1' : ('str1', 56),
    'key2' : ('str2', 78),
    'key3' : ('str3', 89)

Otherwise use lists:

my_dict = {
    'key1' : ['str1', 56],
    'key2' : ['str2', 78],
    'key3' : ['str3', 89]

And in both structures, accessing is identical:

>>> my_dict['key3']
('str3', 89)
>>> my_dict['key3'][0]

But assignment is only possible with lists (as they are mutable data structures):

>>> my_dict['key3'][1] = 99
>>> my_dict['key3'][1]
>>> my_dict
{'key3': ['str3', 99], 'key1': ['str1', 56], 'key2': ['str2', 78]}

Collected from the Internet

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