How can we merge key value of dictionary?


I have dictionary

[{'a': 'tc1', 'b': 'tc2'}, {'a': 'tc1', 'b': 'tc3'}]

I want to create resultant dictionary

result = {'tc1':['tc2', 'tc3']}

Any idea how we can do that?

js = [{'a': 'tc1', 'b': 'tc2'}, {'a': 'tc1', 'b': 'tc3'}]
ls =[]
for i in js:
     x[i['a']]= ls+[(i["b"])]
francisco sollima

If I understood your question correctly, the 'a' element will always be the key for the new dictionary, and the 'b' element, its value. Then the following code should work for you:

js = [{'a': 'tc1', 'b': 'tc2'}, {'a': 'tc1', 'b': 'tc3'}]
result = {}  # Create the empty result dictionary
for i in js:
    k, v = i['a'], i['b']  # k will be the key, v will be the value
    if k not in result:  # If k is not a key of result yet, we create the entry as an empty list
        result[k] = []
    # By now, we know that k is a key in result. Now we add the value.
print result # {'tc1': ['tc2', 'tc3']}

Collected from the Internet

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