How to NOT download artifacts from previous stages for build configuration?

9ilsdx 9rvj 0lo

I have a gitlab CI build process with 4 steps, in which artifacts produced in first step are packaged into docker image in 2nd step, then the output image is given as the artifact to 3rd step, and there is a 4th step afterwards, that notifies external service.

The 2nd step needs artifacts from step 1, the 3rd step need artifacts from step 2. This is done with 'dependencies'parameter and it works fine.

What is not working is the step 4, that need no artifacts. I've skipped the 'dependencies' block, then I've declared dependencies: [], but in both cases the both artifacts are downloaded!

How do I correct inform gitlab CI that the step has no dependencies? Or is it some bug in Gitlab CI?


As per the gitlab-ci documentation:

To disable artifact passing, define the job with empty dependencies:

  stage: build
  script: make build
  dependencies: []

I've found the same issue here:

This seems to be fixed in:

Please update your CI Runner to a newer version as that should fix it.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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