Is it possible to output and rename build artifacts from the TeamCity checkout directory (that are not archives)?


I have gone through the documentation for TeamCity on build artifact outputs


However, it doesn't seem clear to me as to how I can output a standard file from the build checkout directory, AND rename it when placing it into the build's artifacts.

I can do this pretty easily using archive file designations. For example:\TestProject.Installer\DiskImages\*.exe =>

However, this would just simply zip up the executable installer file as a zip file with my renamed specification, where I actually just want it to stay as an .exe file. The problem I can see is that this rename convention only works on archive file types according to the above TeamCity linked documentation.

So is it possible to rename an executable file that is fetched from the build checkout directory and place it into the build artifacts?

Tomas Kubes
  1. Add command line step which will rename the artifact
ren Release\oldname.exe newname_%build.number%.exe
  1. Define artifact as path to the renamed file.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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