How do I use where clause in the sql trigger?

sam s

I am trying to create a trigger where the account balance is automatically updated from the transaction table, but I am not being able to update a particular table. My trigger changes the account balance of every customer. I want to know how I can use where clause to make it customer-specific. Here is what I have:

create trigger trig_one
on dbo.transactions
for insert, update, delete
as begin
    declare @amount int
    select @amount = (select amount from inserted)

    update dbo.account set balance = balance + @amount


Please help me out. Thanks!

Gordon Linoff

You structure the query like this:

update dbo.account
    set balance = balance + i.amount
    from dbo.account a join
         inserted i
         on i.accountid = a.accountid ;

(The join key is whatever the join key should be.)

Of course, you need to do the same thing for the deleted. Note: this will work for multiple rows being inserted. That is handy. Your version will fail unexpectedly.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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