How can I to categorize a timestamp column in an interval of 2 hours in R?

Eric Gomes

I need to categorize a column where the date is a DateTime field (timestamp) like the image below:

enter image description here

To do this, I need to create a new column in my DataFrame to receive the new data, where the result is a column categorized with interval 2 hours like the image above.


enter image description here

How can I do this?

Ronak Shah

You can use floor_date/ceiling_date from lubridate


df <- data.frame(time = Sys.time() + sample(100000, 10))

df %>%
  mutate(interval = hour(floor_date(time, '2 hours')), 
         interval1 = paste(interval, interval + 2, sep = '-'), 
         interval2 = sprintf('[%d, %d)', interval, interval + 2, sep = '-'))

#                  time interval interval1 interval2
#1  2021-06-07 13:14:15       12     12-14  [12, 14)
#2  2021-06-07 14:57:42       14     14-16  [14, 16)
#3  2021-06-06 23:42:58       22     22-24  [22, 24)
#4  2021-06-07 07:11:57        6       6-8    [6, 8)
#5  2021-06-08 01:20:38        0       0-2    [0, 2)
#6  2021-06-07 17:51:25       16     16-18  [16, 18)
#7  2021-06-07 16:15:47       16     16-18  [16, 18)
#8  2021-06-07 11:29:56       10     10-12  [10, 12)
#9  2021-06-07 16:59:13       16     16-18  [16, 18)
#10 2021-06-07 11:47:07       10     10-12  [10, 12)

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