How do I deserialize an array of JSON objects to a C# anonymous type?


I have no problem deserializing a single json object

string json = @"{'Name':'Mike'}";

to a C# anonymous type:

var definition = new { Name = ""};
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(json, definition);

But when I have an array:

string jsonArray = @"[{'Name':'Mike'}, {'Name':'Ben'}, {'Name':'Razvigor'}]";

I am stuck.

How can it be done?


The solution is:

string json = @"[{'Name':'Mike'}, {'Name':'Ben'}, {'Name':'Razvigor'}]";

var definition = new[] { new { Name = "" } };

var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(json, definition);

Of course, since result is an array, you'll access individual records like so:

string firstResult = result[0].Name;

You can also call .ToList() and similar methods on it.

Collected from the Internet

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