How can I use if in SQL query

Ahmet Çetintaş

Can SQL also run a query like the following? So first we will look at a value, accordingly we will look at other values.

SELECT * FROM IF WHERE `status` != 'true' ELSE WHERE `status_2` == 'false'

So how can we adapt this in laravel october CMS as below.

$query->whereHas('avaibleDates', function($q) {
    if ( $q->where('start_date', '<=', 2) ) {
        $q->where('status_id', '!=', 2);

So we want to run a query according to one situation and another query according to another situation.

Sergey Zakharevich

According to your description, I do not quite understand what you want to do)). I think you need casts something like this:

   $query->whereHas('avaibleDates', function($q) {
        $q->where(function ($q) {
            $q->where('start_date', '<=', 2)->where('status_id', '!=', 2);
        // The following conditions
        $q->orWhere(function ($q) {
            $q->where('start_date', '>', 55)->where('status_id', '!=', 7);

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