How can I use 'AS' in my count query?


How can I use AS in my count query?

Actually i want to result like { "count":"number" } for json result. I dont know what should i call this thing?

public function firstHourTrades(){

    $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
    $data = DB::table('finaltrade')
        ->join('exchanges', 'finaltrade.exchange_id', '=', '')

        ->where('finaltrade.user_id', $user_id)
        ->whereTime(DB::raw('IF(finaltrade.buy_datetime<finaltrade.sell_datetime, finaltrade.buy_datetime, finaltrade.sell_datetime) '), '>=', DB::raw('exchanges.start_time'))
        ->whereTime(DB::raw('IF(finaltrade.buy_datetime<finaltrade.sell_datetime, finaltrade.buy_datetime, finaltrade.sell_datetime) '), '<=', DB::raw("ADDTIME(exchanges.start_time, '1:00:00')"))

    return response()->json($data);
Tim Biegeleisen

You could also do a raw select and manually assign the alias:

$data = DB::table('finaltrade')
    ->select(DB::raw('count(*) as count'))
    ->join('exchanges', 'finaltrade.exchange_id', '=', '')
    ->where('finaltrade.user_id', $user_id)
    ->whereTime(DB::raw('IF(finaltrade.buy_datetime<finaltrade.sell_datetime, finaltrade.buy_datetime, finaltrade.sell_datetime) '), '>=', DB::raw('exchanges.start_time'))
    ->whereTime(DB::raw('IF(finaltrade.buy_datetime<finaltrade.sell_datetime, finaltrade.buy_datetime, finaltrade.sell_datetime) '), '<=', DB::raw("ADDTIME(exchanges.start_time, '1:00:00')"))

Collected from the Internet

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