Convert the string containing array and dict into the list and vice versa in c#


How can we convert the following string into a list and vice versa in c#?

String1: "['hello', 'world', 100, 12.59, [1, '2', ['3', 4, {'key': 'value'}]]]"

Expected List1: ['hello', 'world', 100, 12.59, [1, '2', ['3', 4, {'key': 'value'}]]]

Expected results:

Console.WriteLine(List1[0])               //Output: 'hello'

Console.WriteLine(List1[4][2][1])         //Output:  4

Console.WriteLine(List1[4][2][2]['key'])  //Output: 'value'


In python, we have an eval(expression) method to convert the string into a list.

we have a repr(obj) method to convert the list back into a string.

Please refer to the below sample code using python methods. I require similar methods in c#.

>>> str1="['hello', 'world', 100, 12.59, [1, '2', ['3', 4, {'key': 'value'}]]]"
>>> list1=list(eval(str1))
>>> list1
    ['hello', 'world', 100, 12.59, [1, '2', ['3', 4, {'key': 'value'}]]]
>>> list1[4][2][2]['key']
>>> list1[4][2][0]
>>> str2=repr(list1)
>>> str2
    "['hello', 'world', 100, 12.59, [1, '2', ['3', 4, {'key': 'value'}]]]"

Each and every solution will be appreciated.



You can use Newtonsoft.Json library to achieve that. You need to deserialize the string as a JArray, as follows:

public static void Main()
    var arr = "['hello', 'world', 100, 12.59, [1, '2', ['3', 4, {'key': 'value'}]]]";
    var parsed = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JArray>(arr);

You can see a live demo here.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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