How can I add only particular key value pairs from one object to another?

Umang Mehra


obj1 = 
0: {
description: "",
holiday: false,
id: "",
isWeekend: false,
percent: 0,
pmDescription: "",
pmHours: 0,
productivity: 0,
projectName: "rgffgfg",
sowId: "7396",
time: 1591641000000,
userHours: 0,
userName: "hemant tripathi",
wfh: false,
1: {
description: "",
holiday: false,
id: "",
isWeekend: false,
percent: 0,
pmDescription: "",
pmHours: 0,
productivity: 0,
projectName: "rgffgfg",
sowId: "7396",
time: 1591641000000,
userHours: 0,
userName: "hemant tripathi",
wfh: false,
2: {
description: "",
holiday: false,
id: "",
isWeekend: false,
percent: 0,
pmDescription: "",
pmHours: 0,
productivity: 0,
projectName: "rgffgfg",
sowId: "7396",
time: 1591641000000,
userHours: 0,
userName: "hemant tripathi",
wfh: false,

obj2: {}

I just want to add 3 key-value pairs in obj2. I want to loop through and access obj1. And add only 3 key-value pairs in obj2 ('description' , 'userHours' , 'userName') .I want to add these 3 key-value pairs. How can we do that?

let obj1= [{
description: "",
holiday: false,
id: "",
isWeekend: false,
percent: 0,userHours: 0,userName: 'Ab'
description: "",
holiday: false,
id: "",
isWeekend: false,
percent: 0,userHours: 0,userName: 'Abcd'

let obj2 = => ({description: data.description, userHours: data.userHours, userName: data.userName}));

Collected from the Internet

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