Expect within bash script

Mr. Kaplan

I am trying to implement an expect script into a bash script. Bear with me since I am fairly new to bash/expect.

Here is the expect script that works as intended:

log_user 0

file delete foo.txt

set fh [open foo.txt a]

set servers {xxx@server1 xxx@server2}

foreach s $servers {
spawn ssh $s
expect "password: "
send "PASSWORD\r"
expect "$ "
send "grep "something" /some/log/file.log"
expect "$ " { puts $fh "$expect_out(buffer)"}
send "exit\r"

close $fh

Now, I am hoping to include this expect script in a bash script but it is not working as intended.

Here is what I have so far:


XYZ=$(expect -c "
file delete foo.txt

set fh [open foo.txt a]

set servers {xxx@server1 xxx@server2}

foreach s $servers {
spawn ssh $s
expect "password: "
send "PASSWORD\r"
expect "$ "
send "grep "something" /some/log/file.log"
expect "$ " { puts $fh "$expect_out(buffer)"}
send "exit\r"

close $fh

echo "$XYZ"

The error I am getting is:

command substitution: line 42: syntax error near unexpected token `('
command substitution: line 42: `expect "$ " { puts $fh "$expect_out(buffer)"}'

I'm open to any other ways to implement this! :)

Bertrand Martel

You can use /usr/bin/expect -c to execute expect commands :


/usr/bin/expect -c ' 

file delete foo.txt

set fh [open foo.txt a]

set servers {xxx@server1 xxx@server2}

foreach s $servers {
spawn ssh $s
expect "password: "
send "PASSWORD\r"
expect "$ "
send "grep "something" /some/log/file.log"
expect "$ " { puts $fh "$expect_out(buffer)"}
send "exit\r"

close $fh

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