If I have struct inside another struct and I am trying to have them inside an array


I have a struct that is named item, now I have another struct that is called array that calls item. The struct item arrayofListis required to be of the size 5

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MaxItems 5
#define NameLength 20
#define UnitLenght 6

struct item
    char name[NameLength];
    float amount;
    char unit[UnitLenght];
struct array
    struct item arrayofList;

int main(void)
    struct array shopping[MaxItems];

Am I giving the list size of 5 or am I doing it incorrectly


You probably want this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MaxItems 5
#define NameLength 20
#define UnitLenght 6

struct item  // one item
    char name[NameLength];
    float amount;
    char unit[UnitLenght];

int main(void)
    struct item shopping[MaxItems];  // array of MaxItems struct items

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